HR 1207 Phone Blitz

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

226 Congressman have signed on as co-sponsors to HR 1207, the bill to perform a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve. Take just one minute of your day and call your Congressman's District Office.

If they have co-sponsored, thank them for their support.

If they have not, tell them you want them to and their action or inaction will affect your vote in 2010.

Here is a list of all Congressman and their contact info:

And below is a sample phone scriptHello

My name is (your first name) and I live in (your town)

I’m a registered voter in Congressman ______'s district and I wanted to urge him to sign as a co-sponsor to a bill that is going through Congress right now.

The bill is called the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, HR 1207, and it was sponsored by Texas Congressman Ron Paul. It has more than 225 co-sponsors in Congress with bi-partisan support from both Democrats and Republicans.

So I just wanted to urge Congressman ______ to sign on as a co-sponsor and want to let him know that his action or inaction on this bill will affect my vote in the Congressional election of 2010.