The Waterboarding Debate, Part 27

Thursday, May 28, 2009

One would be hard pressed to honestly make the claim that waterboarding is not a technique used to inflict feelings of trauma on its captive. Any technique which makes the subject fear for his life is clearly torture. Arguments made by former Vice-President Dick Cheney would be significantly stronger if he were to admit, "Yes it's torture, however between protecting the feelings of terrorists and the lives of Americans, I don't apologize for torturing suspected criminals."

There is a moral high ground that comes with being the United States and that does not include acting like the human garbage we are fighting.

Above anything else it is curious to note the United States military actually prosecuted Japanese soldiers for using water-boarding techniques against American servicemen during World War II. Former Presidential John McCain was correct when he stated on the campaign trail last year that some Japanese soldiers were infact executed for using water-boarding against their prisoners.

Below you see radio show host Mancow undergo the procedure to get a real sense of what it is like.


Mark said...

Good find